326 / 400 = ?Reduced fraction 5 / 8 Therefore, 250/400 simplified to lowest terms is 5/8 MathStep (Works offline)250 / 400 = 5 / 8 As a decimal number 250 / 400 = 0625 ≈ 063 As a percentage 250 / 400 = 625% More operations of this kind reduce 250 / 103,0 = ?

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Mar 11, · Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 / 400 (a) 2 / 3 (ii) 180 / 0 (b) 2 / 5 (iii) 660 / 990 (c) 1 / 2 (iv) 180 / 360 (d) 5 / 8 (v) 2 / 550 (e) 9 / 10 Answer (i) 250 / 400 = (5 × 50) / (8 × 50) = 5 / 8 25 / 40 and 30 / 48 are two more fractions (ii) 180 / 0 = (9 × ) / (10 × ) = 9 / 10Jun 12, 19 · Write the fractions and pair up the equivalent fractions from each row Solution Equivalent fractions are (a), (ii);Write the fractions and match fractions in Column I with the equivalent fractions in Column II Solution (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (a) (iv) (d) 3 Replace ☐ in each of the following by the correct number 250/400 (a) 2/3 (ii) 180/0 (b) 2/5 (iii) 660/990 (c) ½
Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 / 400 (a) 2 / 3 (ii) 180 / 0 (b) 2 / 5 (iii) 660 / 990 (c) 1 / 2 (iv) 180 / 360 (d) 5 / 8 (v) 2 / 550 (e) 9 / 10 Solutions (i) 250 / 400 = (5 × 50) / (8 × 50) = 5 / 8 25 / 40 and 30 / 48 are two more fractions (ii) 180 / 0 = (9 × ) / (10 × ) = 9 / 10 18 /Online math calculator This website uses cookies to improve your experience, analyze traffic and display adsDivide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD 250 ÷ 50 / 400 ÷ 50;
F = fraction of ethanol (%v/v) Volume = volume of beverage in mL (1 ounce = 30 mL) 08 g/mL = specific gravity of ethanol;250 of 400 can be written as 250 / 400;Simplify the fraction 12/60 First divide both (numerator/denominator) by 2 to get 6/30 Divide both of those by 2 to get 3/15, then, Divide both of those by 3 to get 1/5 In the fraction 1/5, 1 is only divisible by itself, and 5 is not divisible by other numbers than itself and 1, so the fraction has been simplified as much as possible

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Detailed calculations below Introduction Fractions A fraction consists of two numbers and a fraction bar 251/400 The number above the bar is the numerator 251 The number below the bar is the denominator 400 Divide the numerator by the denominator to get fraction's value Val = 251 ÷ 400 IntroductionInteger like 5 or 28;Find detailed video answer solutions to NCERT Solutions Mathematics, Class 6 Fractions Exercise 73 questions taught by expert teachers Access free tutor videos and

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Match The Equivalent Fractions And Write Two More For Each I
What is 125 percent as a fraction?Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 400 (a) 2 3 (ii) 180 0 (b) 2 5 (iii) 660 990 (c) 1 2 (iv) 180 360 (d) 5 8 (v) 2 550 (e) 9 10 Answer Page 152 Exercise 74 Q1 Write shaded portion as fraction Arrange them in ascending and descendingJun 12, 19 · Get FREE NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 7 Fractions Exercise 73 We have created Step by Step solutions for Class 6 maths to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and Score More marks

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Fraction did each use up?For example, the total amount of ethanol in 15 ounces of 80 proof whiskey would be calculated as follows 040%v/v x (15 oz x 30 mL/oz) x 08 g/mL = 14 g Household products have the following ethanol contentWhat are Equivalent Fractions?

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Ex 7 3 9 Match The Equivalent Fractions And Write Two More For Each
Use again the same percentage formula % / 100 = Part / Whole replace the given values % / 100 = 400 / 250 Cross multiply % x 250 = 400 x 100 Divide by 250 to get the percentage % = (400 x 100) / 250 = 160% A shorter way to calculate x out of yDec 29, 18 · Factors of 250 are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 125 and 250 Factors of 400 are 1,2,4,5,8,10,16,,25,40, 80, 100, 0 and 400 ∴ Common factors of 250 and 400 are 1,2,5, 10, 25 and 50 Highest of these common factors is 50To find percentage, we need to find an equivalent fraction with denominator 100 Multiply both numerator & denominator by 100 250 / 400 × 100 / 100 = (250 × 100 / 400) × 1 / 100 = 625 / 100;

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9 Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 400 (a) 2 3 (ii) 180 0 (b) 2 5 (iii) 660 990 (c) 1 2 (iv) 180 360 (d) 5 8 (v) 2 550 (e) 9 10This question is equivalent to "400 is what percent of 250?" Or What percent 400 is out of 250?Question From NCERT Maths Class 6 Chapter 7 EXERCISE 73 Question – 9 FRACTIONS CBSE, RBSE, UP, MP, BIHAR BOARDQUESTION TEXTMatch the equivalent fraction

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Simplify the fraction 12/60 First divide both (numerator/denominator) by 2 to get 6/30 Divide both of those by 2 to get 3/15, then, Divide both of those by 3 to get 1/5 In the fraction 1/5, 1 is only divisible by itself, and 5 is not divisible by other numbers than itself and 1, so the fraction has been simplified as much as possible(e), (iii) Question 3 Replace in each of the following by the correct number Solution Question 4 Find the equivalent fraction of \(\frac { 3 }{ 5 }\) having (a) denominator (b) numeratorLearn 3rd grade unit 3 investigations math with free interactive flashcards Choose from 500 different sets of 3rd grade unit 3 investigations math flashcards on Quizlet

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Jan , 21 · The fractions are not equivalent Question 2 Write the fractions and pair up the equivalent fractions from each row Solution Fraction represented by the figure Now, the equivalent fractions are Question 3 Replace in each of the following by the correct number Solution (a) We have x 2 = 7 x 8 = \(\frac { 7×8 }{ 2 } \) = 28Example 3 Find the equivalent fraction of 2 5 with numerator 6 Solution We know 2 × 3 = 6 This means we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 3 to get the equivalent fraction 1Jun 29, 18 · Ex 73,9 Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250/400 (ii) 180/0 (iii) 660/990 (iv) 180/360 (v) 2/550 (a) 2/3 (b) 2/5 (c) 1/2 (d) 5/8 (e) 9/10 First we simplify them(i) 250/400 250/400 180/0 180/0(iii) 660/990 660/990 (

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150 250 × 100 = 60% (increase) Where 250 is the old value and 400 is the new value In this case we have a positive change (increase) of 60 percent because the new value is251/400 = 6275% 251/400 as a percent value?Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250/400 (a) 2/3 (ii) 180/0 (b) 2/5 (iii) 660/990 (c) 1/2 (iv) 180/360 (d) 5/8 (v) 2/550 (e) 9/10 Answer (a) 250/400 = 25/40 {250 and 400 are divided by 10}

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8 Match the equivalent fractions and write another 2 for each (i) 250/400 (a) 2/3 (ii) 180/0 (b) 2/5 (iii) 660/990 (c) ½ (iv) 180/360 (d) 5/8 (v) 2/550 (e) 9/10 Solution (i) 250/400 By dividing numerator and denominator by HCF of 250 and 400 = (250/50)/ (400/ 50) =Fraction equivalent to a given fraction can be obtained by multiplying or dividing its numerator and denominator by a nonzero number Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 8 12 is 8 ÷ 4 12 ÷ 4 Hence, the correct option is (b)Find equivalent fractions Enter a fraction, mixed number or integer to get fractions that are equivalent to your input Example entries Fraction like 2/3 or 15/16;

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Jun 05, 17 · Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) (250)/(400) (a) 2/3Material Characteristics Aluminum (24) Magnetic No Suitable for aeronautic projects Yes Weighs only a third as much as steel Hardness can be enhanced with heat treatment Electrical conductivity is a 30% that of copper Heat conductivity 70 BTU/hr/ft 2 /°F/ft Corrosion resistance can be enhanced via anodizing Aluminum 6061 / 7075The simplest form of 250 / 400 is 5 / 8 Steps to simplifying fractions Find the GCD (or HCF) of numerator and denominator GCD of 250 and 400 is 50;

Ex 7 3 9 Match The Equivalent Fractions And Write Two More For Each

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Detailed calculations below Introduction Fractions A fraction consists of two numbers and a fraction bar 250/400 The number above the bar is the numerator 250 The number below the bar is the denominator 400 Divide the numerator by the denominator to get fraction's value Val = 250 ÷ 400 IntroductionMatch the equivalent fractions and write two more for each `(i) 250/400 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (a) 2/3` `(ii)180/0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (b) 2/5` `(iii) 660/990 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (c) 1/2` `(iv) 180/360 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (d) 5/8` `(v) 2/550 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (e) 9/10`One equivalent fraction of 12 15 is 12 3 15 3 = 4 5 Can you find an equivalent fraction of 9 15 having denominator 5 ?

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Reduced fraction 5 / 4 Therefore, 250/0 simplified to lowest terms is 5/4 MathStep (Works offline) Download our mobile app and learn to work with fractions in your own time Android and iPhone/ iPad Equivalent fractions 500 / 400 125 / 100 750 / 600 1250 / 1000 50 / 40 1750 / 1400 More fractions 500 / 0 250 / 400 750 / 0 250 / 600 251 / 0 250 / 1 249 / 0 250 / 199Mar 07, 18 · fraction did each use up?Mixed number like 1 1/2 or 4 5/6;

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Therefore, the answer is 625% If you are using a calculator, simply enter 250÷400×100 which will give you 625 as the answerWrite the fractions Are all these fractions equivalent?Reduced (simplified) fraction, Equivalent fraction The new fraction, 6 / 8, is equivalent to the original one, 12 / 16, that is, it represents the same value or proportion of the whole, and it was calculated out of the original fraction by reducing it (simplifying it) both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction were divided by the

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To reduce a fraction to lowest terms (also called its simplest form), just divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) For example, 3/4 is in lowest form, but 6/8 is not in lowest form (the GCD of 6 and 8 is 2) and 6/8 can be written as 3/4Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 400 (a) 2 3 (ii) 180 0 (b) 2 5 (iii) 660 990 (c) 1 2 (iv) 180 360 (d) 5 8 (v) 2 550 (e) 9 10 Answer 9 (i) 250 400 5 10 15,, 8 16 24 (d) 5 8 (ii) 180 0 9 18 27,, 10 30 (e) 9 10 (iii) 660 990 2 4 6,, 3 6 9 (a) 2 3 (iv) 180 360 1 2 3,, 2 4 6 (c) 1 2 (v) 2 550 2 4 6,, 5(a) (b) TIPS To write the fractions, firstly find number of equal parts and number shaded parts, then \\left \because \frac{1}{4}=\frac{1}{4} \right\ Now, convert all these fractions in simplest form If simplest form is same, then these fractions will be equivalent otherwise not

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Jul 09, 13 · Equivalent Fractions Classwork Circle the sets of fractions below that are equivalent If the two fractions 134) 250 400 Homework Simplify each fraction to lowest terms 135) 4 6 136) 6 10 137) 3 12 138) 10 15 139) 32 36 140) 17 34 141) 14 142) 26 52 143) 11 23 144) 3 400 NJ Center for Teaching and Learning2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, , 25, 40, 50, 250, 400 A fraction with any of those denominators will have an exact decimal A fraction in lowest terms with denominator 6 will not have an exact decimal, because 6 = 2 × 3 It is not possible to multiply 2 × 3 so that it becomes a power of 10 Example 48 Match the equivalent fractions and write another 2 for each (i) 250/400 (a) 2/3 (ii) 180/0 (b) 2/5 (iii) 660/990 (c) ½ (iv) 180/360 (d) 5/8 (v) 2/550 (e) 9/10 Solution (i) 250/400 By dividing numerator and denominator by HCF of 250 and 400 = (250/50)/ (400/ 50) =

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125% = 5 / 4 = 1 1 / 4 as a fraction Step by Step Solution To convert 125 percent to a fraction follow these steps Step 1 Write down the percent divided by 100 like this 125% = 125 / 100 Step 2 Multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point As 125 is an integer, we don't have numbers after the decimal pointJun 05, 17 · Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) `(250)/(400)` (a) `2/3` How to find equivalent fractions in 30 sec with no calculator#1 Duration 238Fraction equivalent to a given fraction can be obtained by multiplying or dividing its numerator and denominator by a nonzero number Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 8 12 is 8 ÷ 4 12 ÷ 4 Hence, the correct option is (b)

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Learn math 4th grade unit 3 investigations with free interactive flashcards Choose from 500 different sets of math 4th grade unit 3 investigations flashcards on QuizletAnswer (i) 250/400=5/8,10/16,15/24 (d) 5/8 (ii) 180/0=9/10,18/,27/30 (e) 9/10 (iii) 660/990=2/3,4/6,6/96 (a) 2/3 (iv) 180/360=1/2,2/4,3/6 (c)1/2 (v) 2/550 = 2/5, 4/10, 6/15 (b) 2/5 Exercise 74 1Yes, each has used up an equal fraction of pencils ie 1 / 2 9 Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 / 400 (a) 2 / 3 (ii) 180 / 0 (b) 2 / 5 (iii) 660 / 990 (c) 1 / 2 (iv) 180 / 360 (d) 5 / 8 (v) 2 / 550 (e) 9 / 10 Solutions (i) 250 / 400 = (5 × 50) / (8 × 50) = 5 / 8

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9 Match the equivalent fractions and write two more fo r each (i) 250 400 (a) 2 3 (ii) 180 0 (b) 2 5 (iii) 660 990 (c) 1 2 (iv) 180 360 (d) 5 8 (v) 2 550 (e) 9 10P9 Match the equivalent fractions and write two more for each (i) 250 400 (a) 2 3 (ii) 180 0 (b) 2 5 (iii) 660 990 (c) 1 2 (iv) 180 360 (d) 5 8 (v) 2 550 (e) 1 2 Sol (i) 250 400 = 5 × 50 8 × 50 = 5 8 Two more fractions are 25 40, 30 48 (ii) 180 0 = 9 × 10 × = 9 10 Two more fractions are 18 , 27 30 (iii) 660 990 = 2 × 330 330 = 2 3Equivalent fractions are fractions with different numbers representing the same part of

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